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Innovative Collaboration for Green Shipping: TECO 2030, BLOM Maritime, and Samskip Secure ENOVA Grant for Hydrogen Fuel Retrofit

In a significant leap towards sustainable maritime operations, TECO 2030, BLOM Maritime, and Samskip have secured a grant from ENOVA to retrofit Samskip’s LNG vessel with advanced fuel cells and hydrogen fuel technology. This innovative project marks a pivotal step in the maritime industry’s transition to greener, zero-emission operations.

A Collaborative Effort for Sustainability

TECO 2030, known for its cutting-edge environmental technology solutions, joins forces with BLOM Maritime, a leader in maritime design and engineering, and Samskip, a prominent logistics and transport company. Together, they aim to retrofit Samskip’s LNG vessel with TECO 2030’s innovative fuel cells powered by hydrogen fuel. This collaboration is poised to set a new benchmark in the shipping industry, promoting cleaner and more efficient maritime transportation.

The Role of ENOVA

ENOVA, a Norwegian government enterprise that supports the development of energy and climate technology, has recognized the potential of this project to revolutionize maritime transport. The grant provided by ENOVA will facilitate the development and implementation of hydrogen fuel cell technology on a commercial vessel, demonstrating the viability of zero-emission solutions in the shipping sector.

Technological Innovation: Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Fuel

Fuel cells are a key technology in the transition to zero-emission shipping. Unlike traditional combustion engines, fuel cells convert hydrogen directly into electricity through an electrochemical process, emitting only water vapor and heat as byproducts. This technology not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also enhances the efficiency and reliability of maritime operations.

TECO 2030’s fuel cells are specifically designed for marine applications, offering a scalable solution that can be integrated into various vessel types. By retrofitting Samskip’s LNG vessel with these fuel cells, the project aims to showcase the practical benefits of hydrogen fuel in real-world maritime conditions.

Pioneering a Greener Future

This project is more than just a technological upgrade; it is a pioneering effort to pave the way for a greener future in maritime transport. By demonstrating the feasibility and advantages of hydrogen fuel cells, TECO 2030, BLOM Maritime, and Samskip are setting a precedent for the industry. The successful implementation of this technology could catalyze broader adoption of zero-emission solutions, significantly reducing the environmental impact of global shipping.


The collaboration between TECO 2030, BLOM Maritime, and Samskip, supported by the ENOVA grant, represents a landmark moment in the pursuit of sustainable maritime operations. By retrofitting an LNG vessel with hydrogen fuel cells, this project not only advances technological innovation but also underscores the critical need for industry-wide efforts to combat climate change. As the maritime sector continues to evolve, initiatives like this will be crucial in steering the industry towards a sustainable and eco-friendly future.

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